Ensure quality assurance.
Erase safety concerns.
From home appliances to automotive and consumer electronics, Cargosnap ensures product quality, safety, compliance, and overall customer satisfaction.

Ensure quality assurance.
Erase safety concerns.
From home appliances to automotive and consumer electronics, Cargosnap ensures product quality, safety, compliance, and overall customer satisfaction.

Ensure quality assurance.
Erase safety concerns.
From home appliances to automotive and consumer electronics, Cargosnap ensures product quality, safety, compliance, and overall customer satisfaction.

Different electronics?
Create different workflows
Different electronics?
Create different workflows
Different electronics?
Create different workflows
The handling required for a shipment of fragile iPads differs from one for robust washing machines.
Create customized workflows that reflect this, adapting to the unique needs of each shipment.
The handling required for a shipment of fragile iPads differs from one for robust washing machines.
Create customized workflows that reflect this, adapting to the unique needs of each shipment.
The handling required for a shipment of fragile iPads differs from one for robust washing machines.
Create customized workflows that reflect this, adapting to the unique needs of each shipment.
Find all documents in one
Find all documents in one
Find all documents in one
Shipping electronics can mean tariff's and duties, import and export restrictions, compliance with technical standards and more. This means a lot of documentation.
Effortlessly generate and digitally store all necessary documents in one place.
Shipping electronics can mean tariff's and duties, import and export restrictions, compliance with technical standards and more. This means a lot of documentation.
Effortlessly generate and digitally store all necessary documents in one place.
Shipping electronics can mean tariff's and duties, import and export restrictions, compliance with technical standards and more. This means a lot of documentation.
Effortlessly generate and digitally store all necessary documents in one place.
Get up and running in no time
Our 30-minute demo will show you how easily and fast you can implement Cargosnap from the day you become a user.
Get up an running in no time
Our 30-minute demo will show you how easily and fast you can implement Cargosnap from the day you become a user.
weather conditions
weather conditions
weather conditions
Record the exact temperature, weather conditions and location of your shipment during inspection. No more damaged products due to temperature.
Record the exact temperature, weather conditions and location of your shipment during inspection. No more damaged products due to temperature.
Record the exact temperature, weather conditions and location of your shipment during inspection. No more damaged products due to temperature.
Automated reports
Automated reports
Automated reports
No more drag and drop, and copy paste between WhatsApp, your computer, your email or Excel.
At Cargosnap the moment you complete an inspection, there's an automated report created, ready to be shared with everyone in your supply chain.
No more drag and drop, and copy paste between WhatsApp, your computer, your email or Excel.
At Cargosnap the moment you complete an inspection, there's an automated report created, ready to be shared with everyone in your supply chain.
No more drag and drop, and copy paste between WhatsApp, your computer, your email or Excel.
At Cargosnap the moment you complete an inspection, there's an automated report created, ready to be shared with everyone in your supply chain.

Take visual proof of
your products condition
Take visual proof of
your products condition
Take visual proof of
your products condition
When dealing with high value and fragile items so you want to make sure they've been packaged, labelled and handled properly.
Scan, take photos and videos to document this. Having visual proof is invaluable for cargo claims and supply chain visibility.
When dealing with high value and fragile items so you want to make sure they've been packaged, labelled and handled properly.
Scan, take photos and videos to document this. Having visual proof is invaluable for cargo claims and supply chain visibility.
When dealing with high value and fragile items so you want to make sure they've been packaged, labelled and handled properly.
Scan, take photos and videos to document this. Having visual proof is invaluable for cargo claims and supply chain visibility.
Real time insights
Real time insights
Real time insights
Has that shipment with reference number MEDU2484381 been shipped yet? And on time?
Access all this information in real-time, conveniently available to both you and anyone with access to the platform.
Has that shipment with reference number MEDU2484381 been shipped yet? And on time?
Access all this information in real-time, conveniently available to both you and anyone with access to the platform.
Has that shipment with reference number MEDU2484381 been shipped yet? And on time?
Access all this information in real-time, conveniently available to both you and anyone with access to the platform.